First of all we went in the car. It was a long way so I had a sleep. When we got there I met daddy and Puppinanapper's friend called WHS.
I went exploring all over and was good I only did inside things twice. I then got to go into the garden and run around. Then another man called A came and gave WHS a big kiss and then another lady called K came and everyone hugged each other. Even me.
I got lots of strokes and cuddles and everyone went Ahhhh. I think this is a good thing. We then all went to a pub. Yes a PUB!

When I woke up I saw a great big dog and we played with each other. It was amazing, he was so big and he let me lay on his head.
It was a great day and one day daddy says that we are going to see them all again I can't wait they are brilliant.