I managed the big step at the front all by myself. I am getting good at that I couldn't do it yesterday.
We went down the road and I sniffed at some Ivy. It was lovely I buried my head right in it.

I didn't like it much there were too many noisy cars. I sat down and that man picked me up to carry me across.
Then everything was OK.
I even managed to climb a wall all by myself.

We discovered leaves. Yes leaves. Don't be jealous, I know I was really really lucky but you can be to. Just look everywhere.
I tried to eat some but wasn't allowed. But it didn't matter I played in there for ever.
Then we saw a stream.
I've never seen one of these before. It was great and even better when leaves went down the stream.
By that time I was tired and couldn't take another step so I got carried.
It was brilliant day out.
I hope that other man comes back today. I want him here.