I knew we were going out somewhere when I saw Daddy put his shoes on.

We went in the car and I feel asleep, I usually do but when I woke up we were in a very different place, there was all people and buildings and things and Daddy said we were in London. I've been to London before to see WHS but this was a very different place than last time.
Who were we going to see?
We went into a big car park and Daddy said come on lets give those legs a work out.
He gave his own legs a work out to!
We then went in a lift, but I didn't like it and Daddy had to lift me in. Luckily it was a quick journey.
When we got to the top Puppynap said come and have a look River and I could see lots and lots of buildings everywhere.

But I could see who we had come to see. It was CC and he showed me all his toys that we could play with.
It was brilliant and he gave me a little kiss when we finished playing.
CC said come on lets go to the park and we did. I like this park there's leaves everywhere.
There was lots of things there and Puppynap picked me up and said come on let's go on the slide. I didn't really like it even though he held on to me really tight so we didn't go on that again.
I met another little dog who tried to sniff my bum and then Daddy said come on River let's go for a run and we did all the way around the park, Twice!
It tired me out and I needed a bit of a rest afterwards so Puppynap put me on a big swing. I wasn't sure if I liked it to begin with.
But then I loved it, push harder, harder Puppynap.
That was brilliant day when we coming here again?