
Thursday 29 February 2024

To The Hospital

 Puppynap is having to go out to the hospital to see a person about his eye.

It’s ok daddy is here with me but I still don’t want him to go. I like it when everyone is here with me!

Wednesday 28 February 2024

You Don’t Have To Ask


What’s that?

You don’t have to ask just cuddle up.


Cats and Dogs - Another Side 

Tuesday 27 February 2024

I’m A Very Strong Girl, They All Said

I got egg for breakfast that was a good surprise.

I think he put some more of those special pills in it because I was feeling very tired.

And then all of a sudden he scooped me up and off we went to the doctors.

I don’t mind it there. Lots of smells everywhere.

My ear is doing very well I heard them say they caught it early.

We then all had a fight while Puppynap and three people tried to cut my nails.

They said I was very strong especially as I’d had special sleepy pills.

Eventually they won!

It must have all tired me out more than I thought as I just can’t keep my eyes open now. I’m a very strong girl they all said, incredible so!

Monday 26 February 2024

Some Special Pills

 Puppynap has given me some special pills in my dinner tonight.

He said it was for tomorrow when I have to go back to the doctor again for a check up and to help me getting my claws cut.

I didn’t mind having them it’s made me nice and relaxed and I’m getting extra belly rubs too!

Sunday 25 February 2024

It’s Not Snow But…

 Wow! Look at that.

But what is it, it’s all white!

Saturday 24 February 2024

This Bush Is Important To Me

 This bush is really important to me.

And this one.

Oh yes and this one too!

Friday 23 February 2024

I Love Surprises Like This

 This is lovely David has just all of a sudden come up for a cuddle.

I love surprises like this!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side 

Thursday 22 February 2024

Well, We’ll See About That!

 I’ve just heard Puppynap on the phone to the doctors.

I’ve got to go back next Tuesday for a checkup and to have the rest of my nails cut.

Well, we’ll see about that !

Wednesday 21 February 2024

A He-Man-Toe-Ma

 Puppynap surprised me this morning when he gave me a sudden bath when we came back from our walk.

He then said something to daddy about my ear and then said we were going to see the doctor.

I don’t mind it there as I can have a walk around and sniff of all the other smells.

I was a little bit worried when I heard them mentioning my claws needed cutting.

When we went in there was lady and she took a look at my eat and said that I had a he-man-toe-ma and that some blood in my ear lining needed to be drained.

They said it was the smallest one they’d every seen so it must have only recently happened and then they did some needle things which was ok.

Another lady then came in and they all held me down and started to cut my claws.

After. a while they gave up and said that I was a very strong girl and after some special sleepy stuff I would have to come back next week.

They were also going to check my ear again to make sure everything was alright with it.

Oh yes and they cut all the hair off my ear but Puppynap said I was such a good girl that I could have extra treats today.

Well I think he said that , I know I thought it!

Tuesday 20 February 2024

I Pwomise!

 It’s been lovely today hanging out with David.

Puppynap says we’re up to something. We’re really not I pwomise!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side 

Monday 19 February 2024

They Fall For The Big Eyes Routine Every Time

 Yea, I do like it under here in my bed thank you.

And yes I would like a treat.

It’s amazing they fall for the big eyes routine every time!

Thursday 15 February 2024

I’ve Been Helping Puppynap In The Garden

 I’ve been helping Puppynap in the garden.

His been the pulling and the digging and the cutting and I’ve been doing the sunbathing!

Wednesday 14 February 2024

It’s Been A Day Of Love And Cuddles

 It’s been day of love and cuddles and I’m just tired out now.

Still there’s another day tomorrow and more love and cuddled to come!

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Puppynap Tricked Me

 Puppynap tricked me.

First of all he gave me a bath that I wasn’t expecting, he knows it make my tired when he wraps me up in the blanket to keep my warm afterwards.

And then when I was asleep he cut the hair from my face.

It’s much better I can see more now but He was such a trickster!

Monday 12 February 2024

We’ll See About That!

 Brilliant news, Puppynap has got the week of work so we can hangout together.

There’s some plans today, he’s going to see Auntie who is not feeling very well but daddy and David are at home with me to look after me.

I then heard he’s going to be giving me a trim later in this week as my hairdressser is not very well and cat lift me up at the moment.

We’ll see about that!

Saturday 10 February 2024

You Know What’s Coming Next !

 Take a step.

Sniff the step.

Take a step.

Sniff the step.

Take step.

You know what’s coming next!

Thursday 8 February 2024

I’ve Been Very Contrair Today

 Puppynap says I’ve been very contrair today. I’m not sure what that means but I have wanted things that I wanted.

I don’t know why but some days it’s just like that!

Tuesday 6 February 2024

I’m Trapped

 I’m trapped under daddies legs but it’s ok I wasnt going to move anyway.

Not until treat time anyway!

Sunday 4 February 2024

Come On, There’s Another One Over There

 It’s a very grey day today for a walk.

But I don’t mind, there’s loads of other little doggies around for me to say hello to.

Come on there’s another one over there!

Friday 2 February 2024

Thank You I Know

 Thank you I know I look lovely.

 Can I have a cuddle now please?