Thursday 17 October 2024

I’m Feeling A Lot Better

 I’m having a day of rest today,although good news.

I’m feeling a lot better, I’m hardly coughing at all , just little bits. Puppynap says it’s 90% better than it was yesterday.

It also means I can get a couple more treats, they’ve been limiting them but I’m still under the special magic machine!

Wednesday 16 October 2024

I’ve Been To See The Doctors Again Today

 I’ve been to see the doctor again today.

I wasn’t in a hurry to go there but it was ok. I’ve got to go back for some blood and other tests but I am feeling a bit better today.

I think the magic machines been working!

Tuesday 15 October 2024

A Special Machine

 I’m not feeling brilliant so daddy has brought me a special machine to clear my airways.

It’s very magical and is making me very relaxed!

Monday 14 October 2024

The Rain Doesn’t Stop Us

 The rain doesn’t stop us, oh no indeed my trusted coat keeps me nice and dry and warm.

Come on, let’s go!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Autumns Here

 Autumn here, I can tell there’s leaves everywhere!


Ooh look at that.


Friday 11 October 2024

Spa and Hair Cut Day

 Spa and hair cut day and time spent hanging out with my friends.

I was very good, so do I get some extra treats?

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Stop Mucking Around

 Stop mucking around and give me my treat, come on. It’s late!

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Now They’re Back…

 Daddy and Puppynap have been out all day and I didn’t know where they went u til they came back.

Puppynap had an eye check up in London. Now they’re back in not letting them out of my sight!

Sunday 6 October 2024

If I Pretend I Can’t Hear Him That’ll Work

 I’m so comfy but David wants me to move and I don’t want to.

I know if I pretend I can’t hear him that’ll work.

Cats and Dogs - Another Side 

Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Special Days Arrived, It’s My Birthday And I’m 12!

 When I woke up Puppynap gave me a big cuddle and kiss.

The special days arrived, it’s my birthday and I’m 12!

And on my birthday I go for special walks.

Across the big road today.

And yes I’m allowed to take as long as I want, sniffing anything I want.

Come on time to go.

Down to the little stream.

Umm smells in the wall, lovely!

And lots of fishes today in the stream, hello!

And then it was time to come home and open my card

The envelopes always the best bit.

And my present too. Hello little thing.

Look David it’s a little thing.

My special walk always tires me out.

But it’s great when I get to sleep in the sun with David, he likes to keep close on my birthday.

Then it was time for tea. I usually get steak on my birthday but it upsets my tummy these days.

But it’s ok I got my favourite tea.

Scrambled egg!

Egg always make me feel sleepy so it was lucky that Puppynaps lap was free for me to have a little rest.

And now I can spend the rest of the night cuddled up with daddy. I’ve loved my birthday, wow I’m 12 now. 12!

Tuesday 1 October 2024

What’s That You Say?

 What’s that you say?

Youve got tomorrow off to spend the day with me.

It’s a very special day you say.

I wonder what it could be?