Puppynap just won’t stay still when I am sitting in him this afternoon, so I’ve given up trying.
The window ledge is so much better, none of this moving about while I’m trying to sleep!
Puppynap just won’t stay still when I am sitting in him this afternoon, so I’ve given up trying.
The window ledge is so much better, none of this moving about while I’m trying to sleep!
What a lovely afternoon I’m having.
Daddy gave me an extra treat, puppy so wrapped me up warm and now I’m having a cuddle with David.
Perfect day!
I know I’ve just had my dinner and a treat but I think I would have room for a fingernail biscuit.
I do, I do think so!
I went for such a long walk with Puppynap today and it’s tired me out.
I’m so tired that even though daddy put my treat right by my mouth I can’t even be bothered enough to just even give it a lick.
Even though daddy and Puppynap are on holiday this week I still got up early.
They might be on holiday but I still need my walk at the same time. That doesn’t change.
Or my after walk sleep either!
Puppynap and daddy went out today and left me at home with David.
They wasn’t gone all day but that doesn’t mean I don’t do all day guilts face to get what I want!
The people might be doing banging things outside, but that doesn’t bother me.
Not when I’m all snuggled up in my pyjamas next to Puppynap!
One of the best things to do on a Sunday afternoon while daddy and Puppynap watch tv, is just to have a snooze in my bed.
It’s close enough to them so that I can keep an eye on them, but not right on them so I can get some rest when they get up and down.